O'so Brewing Company and Artist & Fare ▪ PLOVER ▪ Sunday, April 6, 2025 ▪ 10am-4pm
All artist applications are through www.Zapplication.org .
Deadline was January 31, 2025.
$30 non-refundable Jury Fee paid through ZAPP.
Email us if you would like to be added to our artist mailing list. 2026 Event Date: Sunday, April 12, 2026 at Artist & Fare and O'so Brewing Company in Plover, WI. A week later du
Application Entry Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025 11:59PM CST.
Applications to the 2025 Stevens Point Festival of the Arts will be accepted and processed only through Zapplication.
Jury/Application Fee: $30. Paid through ZAPP and non-refundable.
Images: 4 images of artwork. 1 booth shot. 5 images total.
Total number of booths: 50
Booth Fee: $130 for 10'x10’ booth. A few booths are 6x15' for $130.
Artist Presence: Required
Contact: Jessie Fritsch - FoA Council Chair
Phone: 715-252-4125
Email: PointFoA@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Festival of the Arts 2125 Michigan Ave, Stevens Point, WI
All artwork must be original and produced by the exhibiting artist or collaborative artists. The FoA maintains high standards of quality in fine art and fine crafts.
Multiple Applications: Artists may only exhibit in the media for which they have been accepted. A separate application is required for each medium. Artists can submit up to two applications. Only artists accepted in the jewelry category may exhibit jewelry.
Collaborating Artists: If two artists have collaborated in the joint creation and production of the art displayed, they may together show their work in the booth and will be listed jointly in the program, website, and social media.
$30 Jury Fee. A non-refundable credit card or PayPal purchase, payable through ZAPPlication, must be made with each application. Checks will not be accepted. A booth fee is NOT required at the time of application
Statement: A brief statement of 500 words or less describing the artist’s creative process, materials, and techniques is required in application.
Acceptable Media Categories: 2-D Mixed Media, 3-D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Digital Art, Drawing/Pastels, Fiber, Leather, Glass, Jewelry, Metal, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Stone, and Wood
The FOA council has the right to remove artwork not representative of images presented for jury or that do not abide by the fine art requirements.
Submit 4 images of artist’s current work and 1 booth shot, for a total of 5 images.
The jury consists of FoA working artist Council members and two rotating guest jurors.
All work exhibited and sold at the FoA must be original and made by the exhibiting artist. Artists are required to display their artist’s statement with information about materials and techniques in their booth.
Image use for Promotion: Images used in jury process will be used for FoA promotional purposes. Artists must grant permission of use of their jury images for the promotion of the festival on the FoA website and social media. FoA will add watermarks for images used for promotion to prevent image theft.
Artist Acceptance and booth payment on ZAPP: Due Saturday, March 1, 2025. Exhibiting Artists are required to fill out and sign an artist contract. Electricity requests, booth sitters, art raffle participation, and optional lunch delivery are all stated on this contract.
Artist Attendance: Artists must be present during the event and must personally staff their booths. No representatives will be permitted.
Security: Items left in the booth Saturday night are at the artist’s own risk. Artists must have their own insurance against damage and loss. Artist bears all risk and responsibility for any loss, theft, or damage to their work or other personal property despite cause.
Booth Set-up: There will be afternoon and evening on Saturday set-up on April 5, 2025 ,. or on Sunday morning at 6:30am. Most booths are 10'x10’ with a few booths 6x15".
Back at Artist & Fare and O'so Brewing in 2024!
Booth Fee: $130 The FoA charges a booth fee of $130 that must be paid in full by Saturday, March 1 by credit card or PayPal through ZAPP. No booth refunds will be given after Saturday, March 1, 2025. Cancellation prior to March 1, 2025 will be refunded their booth fee minus a $25 processing fee.
Booth Size: Most booths are 10'x10' . Some spots must be flexible with a 6x15' booth.
Additional Fees: An additional $30 for electricity.
Upgrades for electricity must be requested on your contract and paid by March 1. There are only a limited number of spaces in the Atruim and they are assigned by the FoA Council. Award winners get priority.
Floor Protection: All artists using a heavy display system or loading system must take proper precaution to protect the floors Artist & Fare..
Tidy Booth: We ask that artists keep all packaging materially neatly stowed away in their booth. There will be an artist storage area located in the Artist & Fare and O'so Brewery to keep additional packaging, extra bins, and backup work.
How images are viewed by jurors:
Computer monitor
Within a medium category, applications are sorted and viewed by:
Application ID (number generated when application is started by artist)
Jurors score applications using the following scale:
1 - 5
Number of jurors scoring applications:
The show organizes the jurors for a:
Single jury panel that scores applications for all medium categories
Jurors score
Separately from various locations
Average number of applications submitted each year:
Average number of artists selected from the jury to participate in the event:
Average number of exempt from jury artists who are invited to participate in the event:
How returning artists are selected:
Received an award
Selected by show director or board
Am I allowed to observe the jury process?
No, the jury process is closed
Jury Notifications and Accepted Artists will be emailed contracts by Friday, February 7, 2025
Artists will need to specify electricity needs and indicate participation in art raffle donation on jury application.
$130 booth fees are due Saturday, March 1, 2025. No cancellations or refunds after this date.
2024 Award Winners are invited back to exhibit at the Stevens Point Area Festival of the Arts. $30 Jury Fee will be waived. A coupon code will be emailed to invited artists.
This is our 4th year at Artist & Fare This new place to gather is an exciting space for an art festival. Please keep in mind the building is still expanding.
Due to the short timeline from invited artist contract deadline to event date there will be no refund for cancellations after Saturday, March 1, 2025
The jury consists of FoA Council members, all of whom are working artists, and two rotating guest jurors.