O'so Brewing Company and Artist & Fare ▪ PLOVER ▪ Sunday, April 6, 2025 ▪ 10am-4pm
Help promote our event by displaying our poster and/or lobby cards in your business or workplace.
Thank you...Spectra Print for our posters and lobby cards.
You can donate your time and help us the with the event set-up and running of the show. We need volunteers to help with ....
Thank you...Charles Fritsch, Chad O'Neil, Shannon Gardner, John Mason, Joe VanGemert, Maureen Mason,
Local businesses can support our festival by letting us display a sign at their business. Helping us spread the word is appreciated!
Thank you to our supporters!
Thank you...The Bottle Stop, Welling Kitchen & Bath, Woodtrust Bank, Old National Bank, Shermin Williams, Chet’s Plumbing Diane Bywaters, CoVantage Credit Union, Checks Transmission.
Monetary donations can be made through the Community Foundation of Central WI
Thank you... A Touch of Glass Studio
Help us by sharing this event with your friends, family, and co-workers.
Please like us on Social Media.
Facebook: Stevens Point Festival of the Arts.
Become a Business Sponsor
Please contact Jessie Fritsch if interested in becoming a sponsor.
Donated services or products that help run our event are appreciated.
Thank you to our supporters.
Spectra Print, The Mission Coffee House, Buzz in Art Studios.
Thank you to the many media outlets that supported our festival.
Thank you in 2024...
Point & Plover Magazine, Spectra Print, WI Public Radio, NRG Media, Photography by Jen, Strong Heart Creative, WI Craft, Gallery Q, The Community Spirit.
Artist Applications are closed.
Thank you to Sentry for their generous support and being our event sponsor. Sentry has supported our event from 2018-2020 and 2025.
Thank you to Cellcom and Simplicity Credit Union for their continued support of our art festival.
Thank you to A Touch of Glass Studio owned by Tammy Rae Wolter for her participation on the board and her donation.
Diana Hoover is a retired UWSP graphic design professor and owner of Strong Heart Creative. Diana created our logo in 2008. She joined our council in 2023 and creates our posters and program.
The Mission Coffee House, Spectra Print, Buzz in Art Studios,
Spectra Print, WI Public Radio, NRG Media, Photography by Jen, Strong Heart Creative, WI Craft, Gallery Q, The Community Spirit, and Point/Plover Magazine.
Each year Bev updates our dates on our banners and large signs. She also designs and orders all the signage for the festival.
A special thanks to Mike Masgay and O'so Brewing Company for their support. Without them our art festival would have been cancelled in 2021. We are happy to find our new festival home!
Thank you to Russ and his staff for donating the Artist Beverage Cart and opening their doors on Sunday during our art festival.
The Bottle Stop, Jung’s Garden Center, Welling Kitchen & Bath, Woodtrust Bank, Old National Bank, Shermin Williams, Chet’s Plumbing, CoVantage Credit Union, Diane Bywaters, Stevens Point Cemetery Association.
Since the 1980's the Festival of the Arts has raised money to help support young artists and arts organizations in Central WI. We raised $2900 in 2024 through our art raffle and the generous art donations from our exhibiting artist. Thank you!
Riverfront Art Center: sponsor Emerging Artists Exhibit ▪ $650
UWSP Arts Management Intern ▪ Melanie Morreau ▪ $500
UWSP Fine Art Student: PaChoua Yang ▪ $500
Stevens Point Area School District Art Department ▪ $500
Boys and Girls Club of Portage County ▪ $300
Please contact Jessie Fritsch if you or your business would like to be a sponsor at the 51st Stevens Point Area Festival of the Arts.